Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My Favorite iPhone Apps!

My iPhone is really like my baby. I feel lost without it. Not having it at all times is kind of like a birthday with no cake, whats the point without it? I have a lot of favorite apps but I'll just leave you with ten you might enjoy also!

1. Devotion
Sometimes you need just a little encouragement to brighten your day. Devotion offers daily bible verses with explanations that aren't too lengthy but just enough to plant a seed of knowledge. Some days they are spot on with how you're feeling and sometimes they are just what a friend might need. They also have daily bible trivia and daily bible humor which is actually really funny most days. 

2. TV Forecast
This is one of my favorites for obvious reasons. I have mentioned it before but it's so awesome another time never hurt nobody. In TV Forecast you can list all your TV shows you watch and it shows you what shows come on what nights, when a new season starts, how many episodes are left, basically the works. It's worth the .99 cent. Trust me.

3. Wunderlist
Where has this app been all my life? I don't usually do good with typed list but Wunderlist helps me keep everything in one place which is great. I have list for groceries, what movies to watch, and even blog post ideas. It can send you reminders and you can also sign in online so it makes adding to a list or creating a new one from a computer super easy when you're at work or away from your phone. 

4. Instagram
Pictures are really worth 1,000 words, and on Instagram they are also worth 1,000 laughs, 1,000 cries, and 1,000 likes. I love being able to follow my friends through photos and being the entertainment guru I am take a peek into celebrities life. Have to keep up with my BFF Kim. K.

5. Little Things
I don't play too many games on my phone but this is one that I get addicted to every time I play. It's kind of like a puzzle/hide and seek game. Or more of hidden pictures you could say. It makes you think but is also fun at the same time. I downloaded Little Things when it was free and now it is $2.99 BUT it is also a good kid distraction and that alone is priceless.

6. Rain, Rain
Nature sounds are a godsend and I love listening to them every night when going to sleep. They are so soothing and calming plus in Rain, Rain there are an array of sounds to choose from. I love that it has a timer so that you can set it without it playing all night long. You can upgrade sounds to include more but they give you plenty of options for free.

7. Closet+
A virtual closet is hard to pull of but amazing if you can manage it. It can be a little tricky at first but well worth it especially if you have a huge amount of clothes like me. In Closet+ you can organize into categories and also add additional information like the item name and price. One of the other many features is that you can group outfits together and even put together outfits for trips. Awesome sauce!

8. 30/30
There really isn't enough time in the day sometimes and trying to juggle a ton of things at once can be stressful. Enter 30/30! This app lets you make a list of task to complete and gives you 30 minutes to finish each one. It may not seem helpful but it can come in handy when time management may not be your thing. And its cute and colorful. #bonus

9. Balance
I know I am not alone when it comes to money coming out of my account. Once I swipe I want it to be gone. Balance is like a checkbook register without the pen and paper. You can easily add transactions that will keep your account up to date and your spending at the right limits until your regular account has cleared all pending transactions. 

10. RetailMeNot
If you don't have this app you are missing out majorly. Having paper coupons is like Heaven but having digital coupons right at your finger tips is like Heaven on Christmas. Any coupon floating out there in coupon space is available on RetailMeNot and that goes for stores and restaurants. You can also receive notifications when you are near certain stores with deals in that area. How did we survive before without it?

Because I can't just choose ten!

Bonus App. Sales Tax
I'm horrible at math and when something is 30% off I don't want to figure it out in my head I want an accurate price. Sales Tax is perfect for that. You can input the price, the percentage off, and even add the sales tax for a grand total. It's basically your birthday whenever you use this app, with cake of course.

Let me know some of your favorite apps in the comments!

Until Next Time....


  1. I love RetailMeNot! Shopular is a good app shows ads so you don't have to buy a newspaper.


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