Some of that white powdery stuff found its way around these parts last Tuesday. And I am referring to snow in case your mind was else where. School ended up being closed all week which was very refreshing and needed, but there is a big difference being stuck in the house with a plan and stuck in the house with no plan. So while I enjoyed making the sofa my new best friend and sleeping with that best friend in every position possible there are some other things I learned during my accidental vacation.
1. It is confirmed I really do watch way too much TV. Let's not exaggerate... I knew it was true but I think I always denied the fact. After binge watching my backed up DVR (btw a clogged DVR does give me anxiety) I actually got tired of watching TV. Not tired enough to stop but you know what I mean. AND not only do I watch a lot of TV but I watch a lot of reality TV. I'm not ashamed to say it either. I think I love reality TV because it's so dramatic! I don't have that kind of drama in my life thank goodness but what's the harm in watching it? None and I have gotten that answer from a confirmed source. When you're watching Tonya from Little Women LA give it to someone, how is that not entertaining.

2. I might move to Tennessee. Is it because there is something there that I have always wanted to experience and the state just seems great to live in? NO! It's because it is one state where the cost of living is low. VA is so expensive compared to other states. I want to make money and keep it not give it away. I'm still deciding if Tennessee is a top contender who knows. But I do religiously watch Nashville on ABC and well it would be cool to be living in Nashville and watching Nashville at the same right? NO? Ok maybe not...
3. I can not cook spinach. Desmond and I had some leftover spinach and I thought ok how hard can it be to find a recipe. Well it wasn't hard at all to find the recipe but making the spinach proved a little more difficult.
A. I know greens shrink but obviously I wanted to be a chef and create my own recipe and ended up with a serving big enough for a newborn.
B. Not only did I alter the recipes recommendation of the amount of spinach but I still used the regular amount of the other ingredients. -_- And let's just say it was so salty it tasted like I drove a whale to tears and he cried all over it before I tasted it.
C. Some of the spinach was burnt and that alone is enough to ruin a meal.
I still have faith I can master it one day but until then someone else should volunteer to try and I'll be happy to taste test.
Hopefully I'll be more productive next time I have some time off but I can't make any promises, especially if my DVR is swamped with amazing television shows and Desmond is dying for me to butcher spinach. So just that quick my vacay is over and like a wig snatch shit is real again.

Until next time....